Holy Monastery of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene
In Griva
At an altitude of 600 meters, on the verdant slopes of Mount Paiko is the Holy Monastery of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene overlooking the wonderful valley of Axios, in the area of the village of Griva. The monastery is for men and was founded in 1992. In the Monastery are kept the Holy Relics of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, Saint Mary Magdalene of Myroforos and a small piece of Holy Wood.
The main Church of the Monastery (the “katholikon”) is dedicated to Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene. The apostles Peter and Paul have been honored with a Chapel, as has the Apostle Andreas.
Special attention was paid to the architecture of the temple, which combines the Athenian style with elements of Constantinople (folded internal central dome, 4 satellite domes, dome above the Holy Altar, dances, chapels, simple dome, external atrium). The impressive hand-carved wooden iconostasis of the Myroforos chapel is the work of fathers of the historic Serbian Monastery of Dečani (14th century). The permanent and valuable spiritual treasure of the Monastery are parts of the holy relics of the three neophanic martyrs Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, which are kept in an elegant reliquary.
The monastery functions as a place of inter-Orthodox communication. It has been repeatedly visited by Serbian and Romanian clergymen and monks.
The Monastery celebrates Epiphany Tuesday (Easter Tuesday), the day on which the Saints were martyred in Thermi of Lesbos in 1463. Also, the feasts of the Saints of Myrophores and of Basil the Great, to whom the chapels (of the original building complex of the monastery) with the same name are dedicated, are particularly honored.
The monastery is open from 7 am to sunset.
Tel: 0030 23430 20270
E-mail: agiosrafailgriva@gmail.com
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