Mount Paiko
The mountain and its routes…
Mount Paiko is located in Central Macedonia on the border of the prefectures of Pella and Kilkis with the summit of Gola-Tsouka at an altitude of 1,650 meters. It is connected to the west with Kaimaktsalan or Vora, while to the east it has the valley of Axios. Paiko is the largest forest in Greece with rich vegetation full of chestnut trees and several springs.
Paiko from North to South consists of the peaks of Skra (1,097 m.), Tsuma (1219 m.), Vertopia (1490 m.), Pyrgos (1494 m.), Kadasi or Kadasti (1607 m.) and Gola Tsuka (1650 m.).
Between the peaks of Pyrgos, Vertopia and Kandasi is enclosed a plateau centered on the settlement of Megala Livadia.
It is the largest chestnut forest in Greece. There are about 4,500 acres of chestnut trees on the mountain, of which 2,500 are arable. Around 300 families have chestnuts as their second occupation, and it is estimated that the annual production reaches 500-600 tons, depending on the year. Due to the climate that prevails in the area, the chestnut produced is particularly sweet and tasty.
Numerous rivers and streams flow all year round in Paiko with the main rivers being: the Mega Rema or Rema Protomagias (with its tributaries: Rema Peponias, Kryoneri and Lykorema), the Sirio (with the main branch of the Stravopotamos or Mavropotamos which flows between Griva and Karpi and its tributary Megalo flavisi, near Griva which originates at 1307 m. and irrigates the whole area), the Xeropotamos (Souha Reka) or Platanorema with drinking water is located on the borders of Goumenissa – Filyria, and the Rema Hamilos or Potamaki which enters North Macedonia. All the above rivers flow into the Axios, while the Grammos in the southwest flows into the Loudia. Both in its main branch, the Great river (near Griva), and in the Stravopotamos or Mavropotamos, the Sirius gives the inhabitants the opportunity for amateur fishing.
In Paiko there is the artificial lake Metalleio, in the area of an older silver mine, in Mega Rema, as well as the Emerald Lake between Skra and Koupa, in the upper reaches of Mega Rema, which forms an impressive waterfall before its waters fall into the lake. Also, the springs of Arabissos create an important wetland, on the southwestern slopes of Paikos.
Mount Paiko is considered an extension of the mountain range of Vora, in fact, from a geological point of view, it belongs to the same massif as Jena and Pinovo. It consists mainly of limestones and ophiolites. Its SE part consists mainly of sedimentary rocks and is characterized by a multitude of peaks of medium height ranging from 1219 to 1650 m.
Τα δάση του Πάικου έχουν αξιοποιηθεί κατά το παρελθόν από τους κατοίκους των κοντινών χωριών (υλοτόμηση κυρίως). Η έντονη βόσκηση έχει επίσης ως αποτέλεσμα την υποβάθμιση του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος, το οποίο μόλις πρόσφατα (τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες) άρχισε να παρουσιάζει σημάδια ανάκαμψης. Το Πάικο είναι πλούσιο σε ρέοντα νερά καθώς και εσωτερικά αποστραγγιστικά νερά ειδικά στα υποαλπικά λιβάδια όπου ρέουν εσωτερικά και εκρέουν στους πρόποδες του βουνού, με τη μορφή πηγών. Οι αγροτικές δραστηριότητες στο όρος Πάικο ανήκουν στο παρελθόν και ως αποτέλεσμα σήμερα υπάρχει μεγάλη ποικιλία οικοτόπων. Η αναδάσωση πολλών εγκαταλελειμμένων βοσκοτόπων και μικρών κομματιών πρώην γεωργικής γης δημιουργεί, πλέον, ένα πλούσιο μωσαϊκό βλάστησης. Έτσι, η ποικιλομορφία των οικοτόπων που δημιουργούνται είναι ένα από τα πιο πολύτιμα χαρακτηριστικά της περιοχής.
The villages of Paiko are: Griva, Kastaneri, Karpi, Pentalofos, Omalos, Skra, Koupa, Fanos, Pigi, Hamilos and Archangelos, Theodoraki and Goumenissa. All the villages have intense vegetation and common architectural features.
There are various hiking trails on Mount Paiko waiting to be discovered.